Trans women attacking other trans women

Hello everyone. I just found this one trans woman on tiktok. Jade is her name. She started hrt 3 weeks ago.

There's a lot of disgusting comments from other trans women. Saying things like. Oh you're not trans. And things like, I transioned at a young age so I know that I'm a real trans woman. You just look like a guy man, you must earn yourself to be a women etc.

My anger went the the boiling point. I literally confronted one of them and they just commented. "Yawn."

The audacity. Reminds me exactly of a terf or Blair white. Yeah you got yours huh. Now you throw everyone else who doesn't meet your standards, under the bus.

The fact that we are attacking each other is just so bad. It's worse coming from another trans person because like WTF, there's no excuse! What do you think?