what does this mean
i just had a really weird dream i rarely ever dream and if i do it is never anything like this i wanted to see if anyone knew if there was a meaning behind this
it started one night i was in bed and randomly i was getting these waves of feeling like passing out and like a wave of dizziness and like i was passing out (i could actually feel this) it starts happening again and again and it got to the point where i was begging my own brain to stop and i started praying for it to stop. then the next day the same thing happens but while im watching an islamic video i start repeatedly saying the shahada and reciting surahs and its getting worse and worse it feels like something was taking over my body i couldn’t see anything and felt this wave of something being expelled from me once again i could actually feel this i could feel everything but it kept getting worse and worse the more i kept reciting when i stopped it finally stopped i ran to the kitchen to tell me mum but she told me stop she said don’t say this i said mum please believe me i know exactly what this is she tells me not to say such a thing and that it wasn’t true because i said that it happens when i said the shahada and made dhikr indicating it was something possessing me but when i was telling her this i actually said the examples od dhikr out loud and when i said la ilaha illallah i was blinded once again it felt like i was having a seizure i go to say it again and my throat literally closes up i was mute i couldn’t say anything i finally forced it out one more time and then i woke up in real life but i woke up literally gasping for air as if i had drowned and came back to life or something i’m really scared does anyone know the meaning to this