Do most Muslim women nowadays believe intimacy is a right of the husband?
I was speaking to a sister and she told me most women already know the husband’s right to intimacy. I disagreed with her because I said even in my own community we have had maybe 7 lectures over time on how to treat your wife what your wife’s rights are, but we have never had one mention of husbands rights.
Also if you looked online most sheikhs do the same they push up women but never discuss the husbands right. Even on the Hadith on angels cursing a woman for saying now, these modern sheikhs and speakers have reinterpreted the Hadith themselves to mean it’s only referring to a woman weaponizing intimacy to where she says if u don’t do XYZ we won’t be intimate. So a woman just saying no I’m not in the mood today or no I don’t want to wash my hair today, is not considered weaponizing and this isn’t sinful for refusing
My question is; who is correct? Do most women believe it’s a right of the husband and that she can’t say no for pure laziness. Or do most think meh it’s somewhat of a right but like I dictate it if I’m lazy and don’t want to give it to him tonight I’m not sinful and he should suck it up.