y’all!!!!! i cannot S1 E5

i remember when this show premiered on TLC but never watched any episodes. just remember the trailers and whatnot that played all the time when watching my other TLC shows. this sub recently started popping up and i started lurking… i had no idea there was so much hate towards whitney and decided i needed to get in on the drama so i just started.

season 1 episode 5 her mother is OBVIOUSLY sad and upset about the memorial of their dog georgi - whitney literally laughs at her while she is giving her speech and choking up. my jaw dropped!!!! how cruel that you just can’t hold it in. and i even understand some people laughing in awkward situations but then she straight up admitted she just “could not take this seriously”

you can’t just shut up for 20 mins while your distraught mother grieves????? whether the dog has been dead one day or one year, you shouldn’t be laughing at someone being sad.

end rant.