New Character Idea

Hero Killer Stain

Quirk Alpha - Knife Throw, Throws two knives one from each hand doing damage, both do 30 at lvl 1 and 50 at 9, 65 at PC/PU

Quirk Beta - Samurai Slash, Slash forward with a katana doing damage to those in the range of the katana slash around 10 meters 100 damage at lvl1 and 175 at 9, 190 at PC/PU

Quirk Gamma - Knife Barrage, Throw ten knives out like a shotgun doing damage to those close, 10 damage per knife at lvl1, and 20 at lvl 9, 28 at PC/PU

Special Action - Bloodcurdle, When activated, lick your weapon to stop the last person you damaged from sprinting for 20 seconds