I sold bad yesterday. (And I don't really care).

Playing with 3 randoms and 1 friend in the Rec yesterday. I'm the PG.

Long story short, all 3 randoms were ball hogs, but I play 2k so I'm used to it. I have a 93 3pt shot, but haven't taken a single shot because the ball never finds its way back to me. But I'm not complaining because it's a close game.

Last 90 seconds and we start to pull away a bit. Up 7 with the ball. So I decide I'm gonna take one myself. Crossover, step back, run to corner wide open, and Pause.

I have 8 assists. (Should be way more but no one passes up a bad shot). And these piles of crap think I'm not allowed to take ONE shot and pause on me. 😡

I immediately run out of bounds on the inbounds. Next play 3sec defense and a wide open shot for my guy. Next I run out of bounds again, and again until we are down 3 and I got kicked from the game for being a bad sport. So no stats or names to share.

My friend is pissed I'm sure. He left the party and signed off. I don't blame him. But I honestly don't care that much. Something snapped in me. I hate this shitty community even more than I hate the issues with this game.

End Rant. Thanks for listening.