Positive screening for congenital CMV.
Hi there,
FTM here. My twins were born prematurely by 2 months and spent 37 days in NICU. Mostly feeders and growers. Everything else looked great, brain ultrasounds were also done 2 weeks ago and they were clean.
They’ve been home a week and yesterday I recieved a call from the children’s hospital that one of my twins has tested positive for congenital cmv on the new born screen that was done when they were born. We are going in tomorrow for a diagnostic urine test.
However, I am so scared that my baby has hearing loss and or may develop it later and other potential health issues.
Has anyone had their baby test positive screening for cmv but then went on to have a false positive result later? It doesn’t look like the false positive rate is high for cmv.
If your baby was diagnosed with cmv, how are they doing ?
I’ve been trying to play different sounds and I don’t see him reacting to them as much. He can easily sleep through his brothers screaming. Not sure if this is normal for new horns at 38 weeks.