Audiology follow up tomorrow
Mostly just here to word vomit. My daughter was born 34+1 after I spent two weeks in the hospital with a uterine infection that was discovered when I ruptured early. She did 5 weeks in the NICU. She’s 8.5 months now (6 months adjusted). Passed initial hearing test but has slowly been developing more and more red flags for deafness, and her Peds is relatively concerned about it. We have her audiologist visit tomorrow and I’m pretty nervous. Just looking to see what we should expect tomorrow? They didn’t really tell me what they’re gonna be doing.
We’ve noticed she very rarely startles to noises, doesn’t track sounds / voices, doesn’t turn towards people unless they’re like waving or whatever, and she doesn’t really babble yet. She say ‘adadadad’ when she’s happy and will blow raspberries, but no other consistent sounds.
My older son has a speech processing disorder that was diagnosed when I was pregnant with my daughter, he’s sub 1% for speech and receives services. I also had a speech disorder that I was treated for until I was around 9, so it could just be that, but even my son babbled, so I guess this just feels different.