My baby is 36w6d experiencing gas issues & no one seems to bat an eye but the discharge time clock has begun

For the record, I am a first time mom to a 27 weeker who is now 36 weeks almost 37. She has been a feeder grower for the most part. We are in the part of our journey where she’s taking majority of her feeds via bottle, 24 cal diet of my breast milk and hmf prior to that it was my breast milk + hmf + neosure. They have started explaining that as she nears her journey to go home they will keep a closer eye on her and chart any “events” she has, and potentially these could cause an additional 5 days to when we are expected to be discharged which they’ve estimated to be a week and a half or so.

Here is my concern. I am one of those parents who is in the NICU everyday (I go home at night) and I notice when I’m carrying my daughter an hour after her feeds or two she will wake up out of being sound asleep screaming and crying for 10-15 seconds then go back. Once I put her in her crib, she will excessively start grunting, lifting her legs and and down, get real squirmy. And just not look comfortable at all. Apparently they’ve started giving her simethicone as needed for her gas this is day one however it still persists. When I spoke up about my concern during rounds, whether it was the formula, or a lactose intolerance or if we can get baby allergy tested the NP said we don’t need to do that because she looks fine and if their were concerns of allergies or whatnot they’d show in her stools etc. Which she stools everytime, she just strains hard to do. OTPT met with me thereafter that round and explained that the gasiness can be due to babies prematurity and their system needing time to develop, that she can show me some massages to do with her tomorrow, and that it’s totally normal. The NP has allowed for me to meet with the dietician however she missed me today and won’t be back until Wednesday.

At this point I feel dismissed. helpless, lost, why should I have to be the one bringing my concerns up to these professionals. Why do they have me meet with dietary instead of making the adjustment themselves. Why is it that unless I bring something up they wouldn’t have thought about it or done anything? Why don’t they seem to know a thing about a thing despite being in this career for 15-20+ years. Why does my night nurse seem effing clueless as to what to do and all she does is relay info to the NP to address to me. Why aren’t they seeing it as a concern themselves if we are now at a point where things are being charted and medication is on the table. Am I missing something from understanding their perspective as medical professionals? Is this just normal? I really don’t mean to be helicopter mama bear but this NICU stay has just been so long and hard already given I’ve been in two months now. Despite the extra 5 days added per documented event (which I guess is on a case by case provider by provider basis as stated by my night nurse) I get that it’s for the best benefit of my daughter and them wanting her to be home in as safe and best condition as possible it’s really frustrating. Anyways

Thank you if you’ve made it this far for your time in reading my rant. I’m just a first time mama wanting her baby comfortable and home soon. 💔 If there are any questions or suggestions I should bring up tomorrow in my conversation with the NP please let me know.