Heartbroken...wife's Natera Horizon results came back and revealed she is a carrier for Duchenne / Becker X-linked muscular dystrophy
Hey Everyone,
My wife is 15 weeks pregnant with our first child, a little girl, based on SneakPeek blood test. They had NIPT done through Natera, and since my wife's mom is a carrier for muscular dystrophy (my wife's little half brother has it), they decided to do the Horizon carrier testing on her. The Natera Panorama results failed due to low fetal fraction. The just got the results today and it confirms that she is a carrier for Duchene / Becker Muscular Dystrophy.
I and my wife are really heartbroken right now. We always had the plan of having a family with at least 2 kids, a boy and a girl, maybe more. But now we are both thinking that we don't even want to try and get pregnant again after our little girl comes as there's a 50% chance that we will have a son with it. I'm really devastated and not sure how to cope with the loss of what could be.
Hey Everyone,
My wife is 15 weeks pregnant with our first child, a little girl, based on SneakPeek blood test. They had NIPT done through Natera, and since my wife's mom is a carrier for muscular dystrophy (my wife's little half brother has it), they decided to do the Horizon carrier testing on her. The Natera Panorama results failed due to low fetal fraction. The just got the results today and it confirms that she is a carrier for Duchene / Becker Muscular Dystrophy.
I and my wife are really heartbroken right now. We always had the plan of having a family with at least 2 kids, a boy and a girl, maybe more. But now we are both thinking that we don't even want to try and get pregnant again after our little girl comes as there's a 50% chance that we will have a son with it. I'm really devastated and not sure how to cope with the loss of what could be.