Can you guys just take videos with your phones?? It’s 2024

“I saw 30 drones above me!”

“I saw a drone crash and 10 come to rescue it!”

“I saw a whole line of cars pulled over on the highway as people were in awe watching the drones!”

“I saw a car-sized drone hovering over my house for an hour!”

Cool. Where’s the video?

How is it acceptable that so much of this community has to rely on text-only claims? We KNOW many people lie or exaggerate and we KNOW a lot of the “sightings” are just normal planes. So anyone who comes here and makes a claim without video evidence is potentially feeding us false info and being a disservice to the community.

There is plenty of real happenings out there. We all have phones capable of taking videos with sound. Don’t tolerate low effort reporting.