how am i supposed to make friends

mostly im okay with not having a friend group but it feels a bit lonely when nobody asks you to be a part of something or your presence is always as an extra and just tagging along (and most times not even that). even the two girls i like in class, im not very close with and idk if they like me as much as i like them? i know its very stupid, i should focus more on studies (which i do decently) but i cant help and think it wouldve been nice to have people whom i can call friends (mutually). i was quite excited for holi but nobody asked me join them and it just kinda made me realise that im almost at the end of my first year and its all just slipping away. anyways, other than through socs and class peeps, how can i make friends and is it even possible? (give me reality check idk)

also please share your similar experiences idk i wanna feel less alone in this 😭😭 sorry for the rant

edit - im a girl lmao