How can I get a job ASAP in this city?!

Hi everyone, I am in NYC and I am looking for a job very fast. I need something ASAP because I have massive bills to pay off. I have just quit my previous job at Amazon as a grocery warehouse shopper due to the lack of work and shifts available. I have so many bills due. My credit cards are seven payments behind due and they are maxed out. Also, my mom is struggling with the electric and water bills and also the mortage. I am looking for jobs all over the place. I went to temp agencies, fixed my resume and applied to every entry level work out there any industry that you can name, did everything possible to find a job but nobody is hiring for me. It has been four months living like this and I get ghosted and no callbacks. It sucks so bad. I really need something ASAP. I don't like living in this situation right now and I am looking all over the place. I definitely need a full time job right now with 40-50 hours but it seems like nobody wants to hire. How can I get a job immediately ASAP!? What can I do to get hired here? Any suggestions?