Is this narcissism?

My mother has been with her husband for 20 years, they’re both terrible alcoholics. My dad is coming to visit my brother and his new baby, and she called me tonight to scream at me because six months ago when my dad came to town me and my husband grilled steaks and didn’t invite her. She has never said anything until tonight, while I’m trying to clean my house and get ready for my dad to come stay. She called me and tried to make plans for all of us to be together (my parents have been divorced for 23 years) and my dad and his girlfriend don’t always want to hang out with my mom. Anyways she suggested we all come to her house and when I said “maybe, I’ll have to talk to dad and see if he had anything in mind since he’s only going to be here for 3 days” and she started screaming at me on the phone telling me I always exclude her from everything, and she had no family anymore which is my dads fault, etc. she never calls my brother to talk like this, I’m her only daughter. My whole life she made me count calories (I’m 5’2” and 110 lbs) and always told made me feel awful about myself, unless we were in front of people. She doesn’t treat my step children well because they’re both autistic, and she constantly tells me that if I have children they will be autistic, and has told me how much that will affect her. Does this sound like narcissism or something else? I just don’t know what to do anymore. I don’t know why she has to make everything my fault