Victim mentality

So, my mom and dad have been divorced 23 years. She immediately got remarried, and 10 years ago my dad started dating her cousin. We moved away 15 years ago, and it’s a VERY small town. I was definitely shocked at first, but it doesn’t really bother me now. My mom and her were never close. My dad was so sad for so long that she left him, and honestly it was just nice to see him happy. He has always been supportive of me when she wasn’t. She would be nice in public and rip me apart at home. Anyways, she never cared for my dad until him and her cousin got together, now she tries to flirt and play mind games. But she calls me to scream at me and say I prefer my dad but he never gave a shit about me. She called tonight just to tell me she’s so stressed when my father comes to town to visit me and my brother, and that he “stole her whole family” And she has to prepare for the heartbreak that she will not be involved in all of our plans. Does this sound like narcissism? She has been married 20 years, I don’t understand why she is obsessed that my dad is not alone. She wasn’t just like this with her cousin, anytime my dad had a girlfriend she had a huge problem.