Nepalका तीन मुख्य पार्टीका top leadersले former King Gyanendra Shah र उनका supportersलाई monarchy फर्कने hope नगर्न warning दिएका छन्।

Nepal’s three main political leaders—Sher Bahadur Deuba, Prachanda, and KP Oli—have warned former King Gyanendra Shah and his supporters not to hope for the return of the monarchy.

They suggested that if he wants to be involved in politics, he should either form his own party and contest elections or stop giving vague statements. The leaders made it clear that they do not support bringing back the monarchy in Nepal.

What’s your thoughts on this ?

Nepal’s three main political leaders—Sher Bahadur Deuba, Prachanda, and KP Oli—have warned former King Gyanendra Shah and his supporters not to hope for the return of the monarchy.

They suggested that if he wants to be involved in politics, he should either form his own party and contest elections or stop giving vague statements. The leaders made it clear that they do not support bringing back the monarchy in Nepal.

What’s your thoughts on this ?