Doubts about moving to Netherlands - Please feel free to give your opinion.

Hey guys, how are you?

And I would like your honest opinion regarding the topic of migration.

I've always had this dream of living in Europe, I've always believed in the quality of life that Europe can bring: Security, access to better education and also a balance of purchasing power.

We are Brazilians, i have European citizenship (Italian), married. I speak English and Spanish fluently, and my wife speaks intermediate English and fluent Spanish, both 30 years old. No children yet.

She works in sales, and I work for a company in the Netherlands that is willing to make me a Dutch employee, with a salary of approx EUR 4.5k gross

My wife would go with me, but without a certain job. Do you think this movement would make sense?

She feels afraid of do this movement, and don't find any job.