You are either it or you are not.
Hello all, I hope you're all having a wonderful time lately.
Anyway, I wanted to make a post about something that has TREMENDOUSLY helped me with the understanding of this law.
And that is realizing that I am either it, or I am not it. It's almost like something that neville had said before that went something like "you are either with me, or you are against me, there is no benevolent neutrality". And I find this to be true!
I applied this to my life and I said, well, I either create my experiences or I don't. As neville says, there are not two gods, only one! And so, I saw that, I have indeed created experiences before, and if there is only ONE God, then I must be God.
And by accepting this, that I am in fact the creator of my life, I have understood that I create the good AND the bad! Both are created by me and me alone.
I think this is where a lot of us struggle, because we believe in two gods. We give ourselves credit when we manifest something wonderful, but at soon as it is something not so lovely we excuse ourselves and point the finger at something on the outside. "This one did it to me, or that one" and all of these things!
There is only ONE God, and if you have created an experience in your life, then YOU must be GOD.
And from there, you take an honest look and see all of the horrors and the bliss in your life and you OWN it. And this is where REAL progress happens.
I have found that I may have unlovely people appear in my life, but I am starting to see that they are not really the enemy. I played the part of the enemy in my own mind, and they are simply that aspect of me externalized. And when I can see that I created that, well then I know that I must revalue myself and change within.
So they are only playing a part that I played in myself, and showing me exactly how I used my imaginative power. There is no other, no opposing force, no enemy, no other power besides your own imagination.
The world is reflecting you. It is your imagination expressed, you are living in your own imagination!
And so, take responsibility for EVERYTHING IN YOUR LIFE, and you can easily change it.
For example, I have been occupying a state of wealth within myself. Well, I have had people come up to me and complain about how hard it is to get money, and saying poor me I can't get money blah blah. And usually, I would react to it and tag along in the complaints and then wonder why I couldn't manifest money.
But now I see that they are only my doubt expressed. They are a thing that exists in me and it has been externalized. They are simply showing me what I HAVE MADE IN MY IMAGINATION! And so now, as soon as something that I don't like comes in to my experience, I know I created it and I can see where I have been playing that part in myself. The other is my servant that faithfully abides by MY WORD in imagination. He is simply showing me who I AM in my own mind.
And so, you are either it or you are not. You either create your experiences, or you don't. You are either wealthy or you are not. You are either this external being, or the being in imagination which is God.
You OWN every state conceivable, and once you know you own it, why would you choose any other state?
You either create your own experiences, or you don't. And if you have ever created your own experience, and there is not two gods, then you must be God.
So this day, take OWNERSHIP of your life by accepting that you created it, the good, the bad and the indifferent. And you will find that nothing is against you, there is no enemy except the one that exists in you. No opposing force at all.
YOU NEVER LOSE! Even when you imagine the most awful of things and they come to pass, you have proven that you are God and you create your world.