Baby won’t sleep unless held!
Hi there! I need some advice
I’m a FTM with a 2 week old newborn. My husband and I are completely exhausted. Our baby doesn’t not like to be put down at all. We try taking shifts, but I’m still not getting adequate sleep since it takes me a while to fall asleep. I swaddle her, make sure clean and fed and still will not sleep in her bassinet. My husband works full time so he’s gone all day and I’m alone with the baby. I can never put her down to shower/eat/ or sleep. She even screams when I put her down in the bed with me. I know co sleeping is unsafe but I’m so desperate. I feel like there’s so end in site and it will be like this for months on end. I love my daughter and cuddling her… but I’m so worn out. Any advice? I know she’s only 2 weeks old, but does this get any better?