Hyperactive baby… like, actually

I am a FTM to my sweet 6 month old girly. Since she’s realized she has arms and legs, she has not stopped moving them. And I don’t mean in a cute, “oh, look at me, I’m learning to kick my legs and move my arms about!” They are aggressive, vigorous, out of control movements! Picture a starfish flopping around, all four limbs just flailing about in madness like they’ve been electrocuted. She is a maniac!!! I have literally never seen another baby act like this. I brought it up to her pediatrician during her 4 month check up and he said “yeah babies flail around all the time they don’t know how to control their bodies yet.” And I’m like, sir, respectfully, you have not SEEN the level of movement I am talking about here. Does anyone else have a feral baby? Is it sensory seeking behavior? Pure insanity? I’m terrified of when she starts crawling 😂