Holding a toddler while pregnant
Not sure if this is the tight flare but I’m hoping to get pregnant sometime this year with my second, and my husband is worried about being able to carry our almost 1 year old but he’d almost be 2 if all goes to plan.
I told him how are women able to have so many children, do you think they just don’t hold their child when they’re pregnant. I said as long as our doctor says it’s fine and I’m not overexerted myself or in pain it should be fine. I don’t want to go 9 months without holding my baby. Haha. Thoughts? I think hubby is overthinking it…
I read online that most mums carry their toddlers just beneath the bump.
Also, happy new year!!
EDIT: Thanks for all the comments and providing insight that yes indeed, hubby was over-worried and overthinking it!! Hope everyone that is pregnant right now or planning to that 2025 will be an amazing year. Cheers!