Anyone else feel jealous of Influencer Moms?
I’ve been struggling with something and wondering if anyone else feels the same way. I follow a few influencers who just had babies, and it seems like they’re bouncing back so well—healing quickly, looking amazing with full makeup, and even traveling the world with their newborns.
At first, I thought, Wow, how do they do it? But then I realized they have a whole support system—nannies, cooks, house help—making everything look effortless. Meanwhile, I’m over here healing from an emergency C-section, and it’s been really tough. My mom took two weeks off to help when I got home from the hospital, and my husband is incredibly supportive, but I still find myself feeling envious.
Between a gassy and fussy (now 3mo), I barely get any time to take care of my basic needs like uninterrupted showers or meals.
I’ve relied a lot on online support (Reddit, TikTok, IG, various other social medias), but seeing posts like “Day 10 of my postpartum journey!” with these moms all dolled up, eating gourmet, nutrient-packed meals that their personal chef made—while their nanny watches the baby—just triggers me. For the longest time I thought wow, look at these ladies, they're finding time to get dressed, put on makeup, eat well and even travel. I know I shouldn’t compare, but it’s hard not to.
Does anyone else feel this way? How do you deal with it? I know I can't be the only one 🥲