Baby is ALWAYS overtired and I think it leads to horrific false starts and terrible night sleep
Idk why I even keep making these posts at this point, probably just to vent so thanks in advance for listening.
All the advice says false starts, which lead to extremely difficult resettling and chronic wakeups and then terrible sleep (waking every 1-2 hours) are caused by either over or under tiredness. Well baby is definitely not under tired. As far as I can see overtired is her big issue because she literally will not take more than a 30 min nap no matter what.
She’s 5.5 months, takes 3-4 naps per day (almost all 30 min, every once in a while I can extend one to an hour) usually being held. Wake windows tend to be around 2-3 hours.
She wakes between 6:30-8 and by 6pm or so is absolutely exhausted and it’s hard to even get her to 6:30 or 7 for bedtime. She goes down relatively easy but wakes up 30 min later every single night. It’s then a never ending circus of trying to get her back to sleep. On a good night she starts doing 1-2 (maybe even 3!) hour stretches around 11pm or midnight.
Anything stand out that I’m doing wrong??