My 13 m.o. doesn't say 'mama'. What the heck?!

Hi everyone!

Just curious if any other parents out there have experienced their little ones say a bunch of random words, but not mama?

My daughter turned 13 months recently and she's been saying words since around 11 months. She can say: Ball, Dog, Fish, Car, Pop and Ba-ba (her milk bottle). She can kinda say 'book' but it sounds more like 'gook'. She occasionally says 'dada', but never to my husbands face directly. But she knows who he is, If I say 'bring this to dada,' she'll walk over to him.

But ZERO mama.

Not even an inkling of the word.

The kid is obsessed with me. Constantly wants me to snuggle or hold her. Smiles when I walk in a room, BUT DOESN'T SAY MY NAME. What gives?

I know I'm being a brat, but I'm genuinely curious if anyone else has experienced this.

Crossing my fingers that 'mama' comes out of her mouth soon!
