How are the people who have trouble falling asleep getting any sleep during the newborn stage?
Basically, I’ve always had trouble actually falling asleep. Unlike my husband who can sleep anywhere and anytime. Sleep when the baby sleeps doesn’t work for me throughout the day because I’ve never been able to take naps either and during the day I am just simply awake. Typically, I would take some type of sleep aid (like Benadryl) to help me fall asleep but I can’t do that right now since I will be getting up with baby around 3-4 times in the night.
Right now, my son is sleeping and I’ve laid with my eyes closed next to my snoring husband for over an hour and yet no sleep has come.
Would it be bad to put a show on TV to help me fall asleep for a half hour to an hour while baby sleeps? I feel like that is the only way I can help my brain shut off without taking any sleep aids. I also feel like I don’t get any wind down time on my phone anymore at night since I am always trying to fall asleep before the next time baby wakes up. Any other advice would be great!