Nicole 'working' at Starbucks
I know someone posted about this already but this is so hilariously sad to see wealthy people literally cosplay people who rely on their actual jobs making minimum wage.
Also the last slide is actually depressing when you realize Nicole absolutely does not advocate for causes in general if ever lately.. Like why is she pretending to care what causes Starbucks supports when she herself barely supports any causes nor does she talk about them. Maybe it's nitpicky but it's just sad to not see influencers use their platforms for good.
This is one of the most out of touch things Nicole has done to be honest. It's crazy cause she could've spun this in the way that made her realize how working an actual job feels like etc. but of course they didn't think of it.
Someone commented on the previous post how they wish some influencers wouldn't make so much money online so they'd have to take actual jobs and I totally agree. Nicole will never need to take a part time job during college to make some extra money on the side etc. And while I know YouTube is her job, it's making her grow increasingly out of touch and honestly it feels like Nicole is losing empathy by the day. She's not even a normal teenage girl anymore, she's truly a wealthy person who's not on the same side as her viewers. She's becoming like those rich people who have no empathy for non-rich folks.