Can we have an honest discussion about Co-Op and the white circle Instant Kill mechanic?

The current Coordinated Operations boss Gatekeeper has a mechanic after its health bar has been filled where the screen is it spawns Regular and White circles. If anyone on the team attacks any of the white circles Gatekeeper will do an attack that is almost guaranteed to instantly defeat every player at once.

I used to enjoy playing CoOp, but almost every time I've played against this boss, someone immediately hits a white circle, ending the experience. While some people can see it as a time saving feature, for me I am completely prevented from genuinely enjoying the CoOp experience and am left frustrated.

I can understand some players wanting to get the rewards for clearing the last stage of the boss bar and being frustrated by a player sticking around and actually fighting. While it could be a frustrating experience for them, this current White Circle mechanic is just as unfun as players genuinely wanting to fight the boss. We are held at the whims of as few as one player deciding to hit the button. In addition to players intentionally hitting circles, some players can accidentally hit them as these circles are fragile and Shotgun Spread or Rocket Launchers can accidentally trigger them.

Do you have a preference on one system or another? Do you like the White Circle mechanic, prefer CoOp without it, or have alternate solutions?