T/Gel Shampoo made my hair fall out

I started with the T/gel shampoo initially to get rid of dry scalp and that worked for me so I've been using that as my only shampoo for the last year. Recently I started to notice a lot of hair on my pillows in the morning. I can feel my hair getting very thin at the crown of my head and taking some videos confirmed it. I did some googling and checked to see if maybe my shampoo was causing my hair to fall and weaken. 3 ingredients in the shampoo are considered to be causes for hair loss. I then checked the T/gel product information and guess what one of the side effects is.... HAIR LOSS. I couldn't believe it. It says because the shampoo is a medicine, people will react to it differently so I guess my reaction was hair loss.

So I've thrown it in the bin and I want to begin my journey back to my usual strong, thick, healthy hair. My first port of call is to get an all natural shampoo, something that will rejuvenate my hair. If anyone has any recommendations for that? I've also ordered some rosemary oil to do some oil masks. I eat healthy, lots of protein, veg etc I will up my fruits and veg and try to get in more healthy fats.

Has anyone else experienced anything similar with a product like this?