Have i been roofied?

Hello, i might have been roofied on the weekend but i dont know for sure. I was on saturday on a music festival with 4 friends. I shared a drink with one of them. Next moment i wake up 5h later in my bed. Nothing bad happened to me but i have never experienced a blackout like that. I cannot remember a single second. The others told me about stories tht i cannot remember and that i was just talking incomprehensible bs, crying and puking. I would have thought i was just very drunk (had 3small beers and some vodka shots… but usually nothing that I would get THAT drunk from) but my friend said she also cannot remember about the same time span. She also had halucinations which made her believe everyone abandoned her. Ever since i feel extremely tired and both of us cannot eat and and feel anxious.

We also informed police about it and they basically said thats too bad for us, they cannot help as it could have been ayone there or us just being drunk and anxious… but we dont believe that, its all too weird.

Does anyone of you have experience with getting something mixed in their drink? What did it feel like afterwards? How did you recover?