A plea to Republicans to take back their party

This election is the most golden opportunity that middle ground Republicans have to take the party back from the extremists that have captured it.

Us Democrats will vote our way sure, but I am asking some Republicans desperately to reject the people that are continually put forward. Donald Trump, Mark Robinson, Michelle Morrow, etc. are people that should not hold public office whether or not they are Democrats or Republicans.

To those more middle of the road Republicans, if you vote Blue in the key big races this cycle and deal a loss to them again, it will cripple candidates like them who run on hatred and extremism.

I am simply asking, take your party back from them by dealing them a loss. Stein already is poised to knockout Robinson. If you join us and knock Trump out too, there’s a great chance to rid not just our state but the country of these crazies who run for office