Can ocd develop into schizophrenia

I’ve seen a lot of people on the forum worry about this, and I as well have this worry. For context, I was diagnosed with schizo affective disorder as a young teen, but have felt I was misdiagnosed and actually have OCD since I was 16. I feel like what got it tripped up was the way i described experience. I don’t experience visual or auditory hallucinations at all. However, I do have constant intrusive thoughts and images that as a kid, i described as “voices”. These thoughts and images cause me to have mental compulsions of ruminating or looking for reassurance to calm myself (when I was younger I had a lot of physical compulsions that i didn’t know were compulsions.)

Lately though, they’ve become so intense that I’ve become extremely paranoid, and get “signs” and “omens” of my intrusive thoughts happening that feel so real. Its so bad I’m constantly overthrown with paranoia. I even have moments when I’m having panic attacks that make it seem like my intrusive thoughts are louder, or coming out of my head if that makes sense (but i still process them as thoughts.) Also being in states of hyper arousal make me hyper aware of noises, phrases, sounds etc that make my paranoia increase, and I feel like I’m going insane. Now I’m worried I’m developing schizophrenia as what i believe to be OCD increases in intensity. Has anyone here experienced something similar? Or just have any insight?