Currently Struggling :/


Hey everyone…I’m not sure where to start but this has been extremely tough for me. I have contamination OCD regarding primarily gasoline but also anything that is toxic or has chemicals in it. I’m absolutely terrified of the gas station and anytime I come near gas or touch something “contaminated” I have to wash my hands 5+ times. I used to work at an airport as a line technician. This job required me to fuel up airplanes with avgas or jet fuel. I was 17 when I started and I worked there for about 2 years. I didn’t have this ocd during this time. My ocd recently flared up and now I feel like everything is contaminated from me working at the airport. I don’t touch my carpet, dirty clothes hamper, or anything that has remotely come close to anything regarding fuel/the airport. I have gotten my car professionally cleaned and I have even rented a carpet cleaner for my room. Despite this, I still feel as if my floor and car are contaminated. I also bought new clothes because I don’t want to wear clothes that were potentially washed with my old work clothes. I am constantly washing my hands until they are cracking and I wipe down anything that has been “contaminated”. Within the past few days it has gotten worse and it is really taking a big toll on my mental health and is causing depression/worsened anxiety. I’m not sure what to do. I don’t know if I’m being irrational or if there is potentially residue that can affect me. I also believe this has stemmed from my insecurities of my height/development. I feel as if these fuels and chemicals have stunted my height and or development. Anyone have any similar experiences or advice. I’m in a really tough spot right now.