Several things that would make mobile MUCH better

Obviously we all want things like quest helper and plugin support, but those are undoubtedly years and years away. In the meantime, there are multiple things I think would make the mobile experience much better and not be as complicated to implement.

Searchable Fairy Rings: You either have to memorize the fairy ring codes or scroll through an unintuitive menu to get where you're going. PC players can type in the name of the location or the ring code and have it show up.

Puzzle Box Solver: Right now I refuse to do puzzle boxes on mobile, and I'm sure I'm not the only one. It's annoying stopping my clue and waiting until I'm near a computer to continue

Vibration Notifications: One of the many good things about RuneLite is being notified whenever something vital happens. It would be great to receive a vibration on mobile when a tagged/highlighted item drops; other situations like low hp or prayer could be great too.

Potion Dose Counter: I can't be the only one who struggles to differentiate between 3 and 4 doses for some potions. Just having a small number over the icon like PC does would help a lot.

Wilderness Player Alarms: Anyone doing wildy content on a PC has a MASSIVE advantage over mobile players by being notified whenever someone is in range. Not only does mobile not offer this, but the smaller screen size makes it even harder to spot PKers when you're doing a wildy activity.