Object Shows I’ve watched so far

Okay, so I’m new to this subreddit, but I recently watched lots of new Object Shows and wanted to tell my opinion on some of these:

BFDI - The perfect way to start watching Object Shows, it’s a classic that never gets old and I still watch its episodes (I’m very active in r/BattleForDreamIsland) - 9/10

II - I liked that series less than the first one, some episodes are really boring, while others are extremely fun and original. The first 10 episodes of S2 were the hardest to watch, but III was incredible. Overall it’s very good - 7/10

ONE - I don’t have anything to say if not: ABSOLUTE CINEMA! - 10/10

Brawl of the Object - Boring. I watched the first episode and half of the second and had to stop. I seriously don’t know why people like it so much… - 3/10

Thanos - it’s still one episode, but it’s still very good and fun for me - 8/10

Battle for Circle - Circle/10

Object Show Movie - It’s an interesting and original experiment that isn’t completed yet (2 parts have been released), and even if it’s boring at first, it becomes way better after 5 minutes - 7/10

Epic Object Show - This is another very good series, too bad that each episode comes out once in a year… - 8/10

Love of the S_n - Love the concept, love the execution, love everything! I can’t wait for other episodes to come out - 9/10

Daily Object Show - I only watched the first 3 seasons yet, but it’s very interesting and I’ll continue to watch it! - 8/10

Hourly Object Show - it’s a cheaper copy of DOS, but it’s still very entertaining, considering that each episode came out 1 hour after another… - 7/10

It’s Time For The - Bored. Stopped watching it after the first episode, but I’ll may give it a second chance, but for now - 6/10

The Nightly Manor - I finished watching Part 6 right now and WOW, that show is great! I don’t know if it has ended or if there’s gonna be a Pt.7 or an Epilogue, but this is good - 9/10

Tomorrow I’ll watch Animatic Battle! Is it good? Should I give another chance to ITIS and BOTO? What other Object Show di you suggest me to watch? But most importantly, tell me what do you think of those shows I mentioned