Okay…some positives

I made a post here earlier about all the things I hate about working the print center. I complain a lot in my mind, actually typing it out felt a little…not all the way right. So I do want to put out some positives. The main thing is I do have a nice bunch of customers who really do love me. I am not kidding when I said this but I’ve been gifted soo many things. I’ll try to list them from “least” to greatest. Not to say anything I received wasn’t appreciated but the last one is so amazingly cool and unbelievable tbh.

  1. Foods -

a 12 inch homemade pan size cookie, a batch of vegan gluten free homemade chocolate cookies, Texas Roadhouse biscuits(not just for me though), more homemade oatmeal cookies,(not just for me)

  1. A customized, homemade items-

a stamp with my name on it,( I realize I don’t know where it is atm.) super cool wax candles, one of which is made to look like a Nike shoe, along with a heart shaped candles, a customer bottle with my favorite colors on it, coasters and a nice pen,

Finally a whole freaking cello, complete with a bow, a case and a stand!!!! This customer found out about my love for the instrument I hadn’t got to play since highschool. Once I came back from a trip it was waiting for me at the store. Best part -he isn’t a creep!

The other good thing about working here is that at least the gm knows my worth and give me a flexible schedule, tailored to what I need.

I’m sure I’m forgetting some items but yea I can’t say that I’m not appreciated for my work. And no, these are not bribes. These were gifts given to me after the fact out of appreciation.

(Sorry for the typos, I don’t know why when I want I go and fix something, this app doesn’t allow me to do it.)