Another META, another blue ball

I am so tired of these new META ships, we were first introduced to META ships through Ash (fucking baller design) and Ember (top 3 in the popularity polls), (later redesigned as code G and T, then redesigned Enterprise META and Takao META) in 2017 and 2019 respectfully. It has been SEVEN FUCKING YEARS since Enterprise META was introduced and despite fourty four fucking ships that the META faction has, none are the two that got me into the game in the first place. "Oh the seasonal META fights in operation siren will let you get the alters of the ships you want." The fuck they have. At first it was reasonable, Hiryuu and Soryuu META, makes sense, they've been through some shit. Ark royal META, she has some moments in her career that could have gone far worse, if one of them did I understand why she'd be a META. Arizona META, pretty self explanatory, she gets a pass and some ice cream. Helena META, the OG already has some abandonment issues, and her plot relevence make since that she'd stick around. Repulse META, who's original went down nearly alone and thousands of miles from home fighting opponents she could never hope to fend off, she gets a pass. But now it's just ridiculous, I mean, Taihou Meta? Her OG was a bit creepy but she shat the bed in her inaugural mission and died with no achievements to her name? That one's a bit sketchy. Rodney META? I don't think we've heard about her before or since. Whichita META? Isn't relevant, never was. Bearn META? Outside of her four fans who even remembered that Bearn existed before she was a META? At this point it seems like manjuu has either completely forgotten that my two favorite ships in the game even exist or they are intentionally blue balling me. This is stupid, and to make things worse I wake up today and what do I see on r/okbuddyazurlane, but fucking Hornet META. It happened, there's finally a Yorktown class carrier in the seasonal META fights, but it's not the one that deserves to be there. I swear I'm going to log in next event, go to the store and see Yorktown META available for 8000 of whatever the currency is, and I'll throw myself off a bridge. It has been SEVEN FUCKING YEARS since the coldest mf to ever exist in this game dropped and we have barely seen hide or hair of her since. Give me my depressed sword dog and edgy homeless CV manjuu, I swear to god if you do I will play this game for the half decade. I'll buy all the skins, I'll buy all the 3d dorm things I'll do it all manjuu just give me the damn boats. You've had seven years to set this up just do it already.