Does anyone else feel like everyone here is super tall?
Ik this sub says "no personal information" but for example I'm 6'1 (6'2 in the mornings) and I feel completely average height wise in this city. More so than even Grand Island or Lincoln. Everywhere I go most everyone is my height or even taller. I'm not a good judge of height but 5,11 to 6ft seems to be the average. I notice a lot the of white guys are much taller than everyone else, I kind of wonder if that has to with diet and access to medicine or just genetics? I notice when I'm in south and north O that people are notably shorter. But still is this common in the Midwest? I was joking with my dad about this (who is 5,10 and the shortest in the family for men) and he thinks that all cities in the Midwest are very tall. He studied abroad for a big portion of his 20s and he said that even London and Amsterdam weren't as tall as Milwaukee or Omaha.
I don't travel much but I remember being in Texas when I was 16 and a tad shorter than now, and everyone felt more like 5,8-5,9. In your experience is what I'm thinking true? I'm starting to realize this for the first and wondering why were not in a book or something about tall cities.