Joining OnePass
Alright, I figured I should take a moment to share my experience. All I seem to see in this thread is everyone crapping on OnePass and I feel we could use some perspective.
My OnePass experience so far has been great. I'm just in the classic tier. I have signed up at 3 of the 4 gyms that I like in my local area with zero issue. This includes Planet Fitness (black card), EOS (Will Crush), and LVAC. Still trying to sign up to Anytime but does anyone ever work there?!?! So, not the fault of OnePass. Each separate club has different amenities that i to use, and I'm always all over town. This helps.
The only gym I am getting a "discount" on is Anytime. This will save me about 20 a month.
Most of the complaints that I see on here are people bummed because their 300 a month gym doesn't accept their 150 a month OnePass membership anymore. So, what I'm saying is for just your regular Joe, or Jill that wants to have multiple gyms as an option. This is great. Plus, you don't get hit with the annual fee from every gym that you join as well.