What is Jimbei's dream?
Their dreams are: be the PK (Luffy), world's strongest swordsman (Zoro), draw a map of the world (Nami), be a great warrior (Usopp), All Blue (Sanji), cure every disease (Chopper), know about the true history (Robin), his ship to conquer all seas (Franky), and reunite with Laboon (Brooke).
But what's Jimbei's goal?
Their dreams are: be the PK (Luffy), world's strongest swordsman (Zoro), draw a map of the world (Nami), be a great warrior (Usopp), All Blue (Sanji), cure every disease (Chopper), know about the true history (Robin), his ship to conquer all seas (Franky), and reunite with Laboon (Brooke).
But what's Jimbei's goal?