what character got done dirty and is wasted potential? i’ll start

Charlotte smoothie has a unique devil fruit that is extremely powerful at it’s full potential, imagine if it got awakened, my headcanon is that smoothie can basically bloodbend, or manipulate any liquid (think waterbending, poisonbending, lava bending etc…) and her character design is also unique, i think she is wasted potential because we didn’t see anything of her in WCI and wano, with her greatest feat being fending off reiju, she even get’s shown as someone weaker, letter herself get thrown off the waterfall at wano twice, because with a a 1 billion bounty, she could definitely hold her own against foes like king atleast for a couple minutes, i hope we can see some of her later in the story, even if it’s loosing against someone, i just want her to be shown fighting, oh and also thighs

Charlotte smoothie has a unique devil fruit that is extremely powerful at it’s full potential, imagine if it got awakened, my headcanon is that smoothie can basically bloodbend, or manipulate any liquid (think waterbending, poisonbending, lava bending etc…) and her character design is also unique, i think she is wasted potential because we didn’t see anything of her in WCI and wano, with her greatest feat being fending off reiju, she even get’s shown as someone weaker, letter herself get thrown off the waterfall at wano twice, because with a a 1 billion bounty, she could definitely hold her own against foes like king atleast for a couple minutes, i hope we can see some of her later in the story, even if it’s loosing against someone, i just want her to be shown fighting, oh and also thighs