Why Oden couldn't get past the barrier while Shanks did it easily

From Oden flashback we know that bari bari no mi barrier is indeed indestructible, even if opponent has way stronger haki it can't be destroyed, barrier acts like effect of ability and can't be negated with haki but Shanks easily defeated Barto

His wounds show that he was beaten up by blunt weapon, most likely by Benn Beckman rifle so there's 2 answers to how he was defeated, the pirate answer and hakipiece answer

  1. Red haired pirates took Bartos's people hostage and made him deactivate the barrier, this doesn't quite fit Shanks and Barto could make a big barrier for all his crew

  2. Shanks wifi haki bypassed the barrier and turned it off just like what happened to Greenbull, then Benn beat their asses

What do you think about it?