Only Lowerscalers fall for Propaganda like "yc+", use feats and read the manga.
Marco - outperforms Kizaru at MF, fights Big Mom & Perospero before knocking around King & Queen both 1 vs 2 scenarios....people say he's "yc1" below "yc+" and Admirals. I say cope.
Beckman - databook statements compare him to Shanks, is the 2nd strongest in a 10 person Yonko crew....people say he's somehow below Admirals? So the Marines get 4 Admirals and RHP only get 1 dude strong enough to fight them???? Nope, pure cope.
Yamato - literally 1 vs 1 hybrid Kaido for a long time whereas Greenbull was terrified to be on same island? Clearly Yamato is shown to be a cut above Commanders and we all know Admiral levels are a cut above commanders.... people say she's "below GB and got grape diffed" when in reality Momonosuke kept screaming over and over for her not to fight.
Sabo - literally 1 vs 1 an Admiral.... people say "Fujitora was holding back!" except Fujitora literally states on panel he is not holding back and he is also betting his life on Dressrosa. Furthermore Sabo gets stronger after Dressrosa.
Kidd & Law - literally fought Big Mom... I really dgaf about what people cope them down to. This is the most obvious showing of "Admiral level". Furthermore Law got stronger post fight and fought Blackbeard 1 vs 1. While Kidd was getting damaged by Hawkins all fight....
Zoro & Sanji - for sure they were on this level during Wano. But guess what! Wano was 100 chapters ago now! ....People say "they are yc+" because they defeated strong commanders. But that is just stupid because we have Wano --> Elbaf --> Egghead. Zoro and Sanji and most of the cast get stronger each arc.
Marco - outperforms Kizaru at MF, fights Big Mom & Perospero before knocking around King & Queen both 1 vs 2 scenarios....people say he's "yc1" below "yc+" and Admirals. I say cope.
Beckman - databook statements compare him to Shanks, is the 2nd strongest in a 10 person Yonko crew....people say he's somehow below Admirals? So the Marines get 4 Admirals and RHP only get 1 dude strong enough to fight them???? Nope, pure cope.
Yamato - literally 1 vs 1 hybrid Kaido for a long time whereas Greenbull was terrified to be on same island? Clearly Yamato is shown to be a cut above Commanders and we all know Admiral levels are a cut above commanders.... people say she's "below GB and got grape diffed" when in reality Momonosuke kept screaming over and over for her not to fight.
Sabo - literally 1 vs 1 an Admiral.... people say "Fujitora was holding back!" except Fujitora literally states on panel he is not holding back and he is also betting his life on Dressrosa. Furthermore Sabo gets stronger after Dressrosa.
Kidd & Law - literally fought Big Mom... I really dgaf about what people cope them down to. This is the most obvious showing of "Admiral level". Furthermore Law got stronger post fight and fought Blackbeard 1 vs 1. While Kidd was getting damaged by Hawkins all fight....
Zoro & Sanji - for sure they were on this level during Wano. But guess what! Wano was 100 chapters ago now! ....People say "they are yc+" because they defeated strong commanders. But that is just stupid because we have Wano --> Elbaf --> Egghead. Zoro and Sanji and most of the cast get stronger each arc.