The admirals are NOT EOS VILLAINS!! Stop scaling them like they are.

The way their fanbase scales them you would expect them to be the main villains and that each of them would fight a yonko or something. Only admiral who even has a chance of fighting a top tier is Akainu, and I’m not even fully believing he’d put up a crazy fight. These guys aren’t threats like the Gorosei, like imu, like the holy knights, like Blackbeard and Mihawk. These guys are merely here to fight commanders in the final arc, they hold almost 0 narrative to the main story and really won’t get any wins. I find it hilarious that people scale Kizaru so highly because he ran from luffy.. just shows that admiral fans really know they have nothing else to work with and that they aren’t getting any main spotlight.

The way their fanbase scales them you would expect them to be the main villains and that each of them would fight a yonko or something. Only admiral who even has a chance of fighting a top tier is Akainu, and I’m not even fully believing he’d put up a crazy fight. These guys aren’t threats like the Gorosei, like imu, like the holy knights, like Blackbeard and Mihawk. These guys are merely here to fight commanders in the final arc, they hold almost 0 narrative to the main story and really won’t get any wins. I find it hilarious that people scale Kizaru so highly because he ran from luffy.. just shows that admiral fans really know they have nothing else to work with and that they aren’t getting any main spotlight.