Options strategies for the diligent saver preparing for the wheel.

Disclaimer: Everything written below are just examples and I'm not advising you to invest in these specific contracts. The prices of these contracts will change by next market open.

-Main post-

Happy market closed day today fellas. My options selling homies see that as free theta. Here is some reading material for an off day.

For this post I'll be using the following hypotheticals as a baseline example:

  • $10,000 in buying power

  • $1,000 per month contributions/deposits

  • No margin account

  • Want to wheel NVDA

So you want to wheel NVDA but currently at its price of ~$138 its not worth it to you to write a $100 Put and you can't afford 100 shares. It will take you 3-4 months to save enough to write a $130 Put or buy 100 shares but you don't want to wait.

Here are two ways you can start getting results similar to the wheel now.

Put Credit Spread:

  • Buy the $30 Put for 6/20/2025

  • Sell the $130 Put for 6/20/2025

In these screenshots you can see the difference in premium between the 6/21 $100P and the $130P/30P put credit spread with the same $10,000 collateral.

On the upside the credit spread will act similar to the wheel if it stays above $120-$130 and you will receive premium.

Within 4 months at a savings rate of $1000 per month you will be able to let the $130P get assigned if it goes below $130 per share.

The risk here you are taking a bigger loss if it drops between the price of $120 and $100 than the $100 cash secured put. Also if something happens and you weren't able to save the amount you wanted you will not be able to take assignment. So you will have to be absolutely certain you can save enough to let it assign otherwise it could lead to realized losses and no shares instead of unrealized losses with the shares.

Call Debit Spread:

Sometimes referred to as the Poor Mans Covered Call or the Calendar Spread.

  • Buy a $60 Call for 6/20/2025

  • Sell the $150 Call for 3/21/2025

It will cost you about $8000 of your $10,000 buying power to purchase the 60C and you will receive about $500 premium for selling the 150C.

Screenshot of 2 option order here

With $2500 left in buying power and $1000 savings per month you will be able to get the $6000 required to exercise the $60C before expiry if you choose.

In the case it does go past $150 you can close the debit spread for around $1500 in profit by March 21.

If it doesn't get to $150 you will keep the premium for the short call and be able to write a call again for April, May, or June if you like. (Note: Your breakeven for the 60C is $140 so I would not suggest selling calls for less than that price for wheeling)

This way you can have a position that acts very similarly to the wheel without the $13,800 you need today to buy 100 shares of NVDA.

The risk here is if nvda dips below $60 by june 21 you lose the entire contract. Also the same as the put if you don't meet your savings goals you could miss the deadline to have enough to exercise the contract.

-Closing statements-

Although the put credit spread and call debit spread behave like the wheel, they are riskier because they are not completely covered. But as long as you are diligent about saving and depositing into your account, you can eventually cover them and start real wheeling. So in essence, these strategies will give you a head start to achieving your options wheel goals.

Each persons situation is going to be different and there are a million ways you play these depending on strike price, expiration date, and the company you want to invest in. You'll have to decide what the best contracts are for you based on your specific circumstance.

If you are interested in trying this and have any questions let me know and I will do my best to answer them.