How would your OC react to meeting their younger self?

Saw someone’s post earlier asking what your OC was like as a teenager and ended up drawing this whole thing from that. Anyway, like the title says, how would your character react to meeting their younger self and/or vise versa?

This is my elf Yivera who was raised from childhood to be a warrior/assassin for her oppressively religious tribe. She also hates children so she would find her younger self especially irritating. Her younger self fully expects to die by the age of twenty if not sooner. So finding out she lives longer would only add to her already massive amount of pride. (Didn’t want to lore dump too much lol)

I wasn’t sure if I should have used the OC comic flair or not but I wanted to ask people the title question. Sorry if I did it wrong. I’m not at all used to Reddit.

Saw someone’s post earlier asking what your OC was like as a teenager and ended up drawing this whole thing from that. Anyway, like the title says, how would your character react to meeting their younger self and/or vise versa?

This is my elf Yivera who was raised from childhood to be a warrior/assassin for her oppressively religious tribe. She also hates children so she would find her younger self especially irritating. Her younger self fully expects to die by the age of twenty if not sooner. So finding out she lives longer would only add to her already massive amount of pride. (Didn’t want to lore dump too much lol)

I wasn’t sure if I should have used the OC comic flair or not but I wanted to ask people the title question. Sorry if I did it wrong. I’m not at all used to Reddit.