are there characters that u just dread seeing on ur teams?

for me, its ball and lucio. ball is annoying to have on my teams because he is hard to heal. this little rodent never stays in line of sight and i miss out on ult charge as well as stats. he also always gets instantly countered and he dies at the beginning of every fight, but every person who plays ball is a one trick and wont swap. and with lucio, every fight is a 4v5 because of this useless little dj. all he does is dive people, except this character has no damage to even do that so he runs in and does nothing. even if u tried to healbot on lucio, its not possible because this character cant heal anything and isnt even a support. playing with lucio feels like 1 tank, 2 dps, 1 support, and 1 baby dva who has no mech.