Gold 5 PC Winston/Ram Killshot 7H6DRE

I play mostly winston/sigma but I wanted to learn ram too. This map was Antarctic 7H6DRE the first point on winston we rolled them smoothly enough, my first death I dove without bubble and got punished and my 2nd I should've just regrouped with my team.

The 2nd point I tried ram and it was extremely rough, I don't know if I am just way too passive but I couldn't really push them. I was hard contemplating switching to mauga but mercy rez stopped me from doing so.

I switched back to winston on 3rd point but I started feeding my brains out. Fought a sojourn in a closed room and died. Started getting backshots from a junk and didn't turn around so I died. Dove too early and didn't use bubble correctly and died. Mostly got bursted down too often