One week on 1mg, really struggling


I’ve upped my dosage to 1mg recently, immediately there was a huge bump by my injection site and a sharp pain that went away after two days. But I’ve been constipated my upper stomach feels so tight, and I’ve been having more cravings for sweets especially chocolates (I can finish a whole bar in one sitting), and if anything I think I ate less on the .5mg. I also have really bad stomach pain and gas, and my acid reflux which was severe the first two weeks of ozempic that subdued is now back. Did anyone have similar issues when they began their 1mg dose? Should I consider going back to .5mg or maybe it’s just an off week and it’ll get better? I was thinking to speak to my doctor but I got my prescription from a weight clinic and they book us in for once a month so I most likely won’t see my doctor until 4 weeks pass since my most recent appt was a week ago.