I'm developing a new PBBG
It's called Otherworld and available at https://otherworld.fi It's in testing stage and doesn't have a community yet. Feedback is welcome.
It's also possible to lead any other character by hand, so even if the other player is inactive, you can take their character places if you want.
It's also possible to have babies, which grow up into NPCs you can boss around. Child characters can be claimed by human players.
There's currently 190+ item types, including resources and 107 craftable items.
If you get locked in a building, it's possible to break the lock just by attacking it ("bash"). You take some damage, but you can rest to recover health. Health now also regenerates automatically over time.
Currently speed mode is active, so everything is fast. In the finished version, actions will likely be slower but currently the fastest actions are 10 seconds. The original idea was that people could set up resource collecting overnight or in the background while they do other things on other websites, then come back to a pile of resources and start crafting, but currently it's so fast that you can wait around without switching tabs.
The intimidation mechanic that used to be a big part of the game has been turned off because no one liked it except me.
I'm still welcoming feedback and players. I do extensive testing myself, so most bugs are caught before players notice them but the testers have also found some bugs I would not have found on my own.