Does this sound like POTS?

I took Straterra (SNRI, non-stimulant ADHD medication) for 3 weeks in April of 2020 and I believe it triggered ... something. I've suffered with the following symptoms since that time (which I did not have before):

  • First and foremost is poor sleep. I was actually almost unable to sleep at all in the aftermath of taking it. It's taken me years to be able to recover and even now, I can only sleep when I take magnesium daily and my sleep still is not the same as it was before. I feel like I don't get enough non-REM deep sleep. I had actually been a great sleeper my entire life up to that point.
  • Random and severe boughts of dehydration. It would just happen some mornings, I would wake up with a severe "hangover" without having to drink any alcohol. It would take days of pedialyte and laying in bed to recover. This didn't necessarily happen at night. It's like I would just suddenly start peeing huge amounts (I normally going very frequently but it's not much) and I could just feel the headache set in every time I would pee. Drinking water seems to make it worse, oddly enough. It has to be pedialyte or similar and even then that only sometimes helps.
  • Needing to PEE SO MUCH. Especially at night before I sleep and overnight. I would hit up to 40x a day on my worst days. A normal day for me is 20-30 times. I get this sensation in my bladder that's almost like a very dull stinging sensation, it's like the urine is really hurting it and I have to get it out.
  • Blood pooling in my hands and feet and head (if I bend over). It would be so painful in my feet that I couldn't walk (unless I put on compression bands) and the same with my hands. I would have to prop my feet and raise my hands above my heart and the pain would instantly stop. Also I can barely bend over, as I get an instant headache that feels like my brain is going to explode. I have nightmares about getting stuck upside down and the TTT terrifies me (I've never done it).

I've had bloodwork done and everything is normal except I have high ANA values for every single thing they tested (my titer was up to 1:1280 on some tests, others were 1:320, and I popped for every ANA pattern including discrete nuclear dots, speckled nuclear, homogeneous, few nuclear dots and was IFA positive). I also have pretty low BP.

I did go to a PCP that did a basic laying-to-sitting test and she said I was definitely in the range for BP and heart rate elevation, but the only thing that's making me think it's not POTS is that I don't get faint or lightheaded much, only sometimes when I stand up. I can stand for pretty long periods of time without any issue, other than the painful blood pooling in my feet.

I'm seeing a rheumatologist in a couple of weeks and I'm wondering if this seems POTS-y enough to consider bringing it up? Thanks in advance for any advice.